Friday, July 24, 2015

Congratulations, Karolyn! You're the Body Buster Fitness July 2015 Bootcamper of the Program!


"Knowing that my commitment and hard work with the program helped me achieve my weight loss goals and many other health benefits is amazing"

I joined Body Buster Fitness in February of 2013. When I joined I was at the heaviest weight I had ever been and was so unhappy with my appearance and fitness level. When I joined Body Buster, I had no idea what to expect except what I had seen on TV. I was so happy to meet Dani! She welcomed me to the group and quickly got to know my goals and what obstacles I might face. 

I have asthma and low back pain and they have not hindered my progress with bootcamp one bit. No matter which instructor is teaching the class, they are always able to help me modify the exercises so that I can complete them comfortably and effectively. 

There is never-ending encouragement and support from the BBF team. It is so wonderful that Dani checks in from time to time to see how I’m feeling and evaluate if my goals have changed. In addition to fitness support, the instructors also have a wealth of knowledge on nutrition. I always knew that nutrition and exercise lead to a healthier body but was never able to really commit to both of them. Since starting with Body Buster, I have lost 14 pounds and 22 inches! It has been a total body transformation.

I continue with the Body Buster program because I feel stronger (I can’t stop flexing in the mirror) and am so much happier. My energy is through the roof and I am learning how to love exercise. I have even joined Team Body Buster for the last two years at the CIBC Run for the Cure. When I started bootcamp, I could barely run 1km, now I can run 5km with ease. Body Buster has become a big part of my life. 

I attend classes twice a week and really enjoy the variety of exercises we do. No class is ever the same. It is also a really great group of people. My fellow die hard members are a great support system. You can really feel the camaraderie as we push through the last 10 (insert exercise here). Whether its pushups on the ball or burpees, we push each other and, speaking for myself, enjoy every minute of it.
With the fast pace of life, it is often hard to commit yourself to a program like this. To those people I would say there is always time to do something for you. It is as little as two hours a week to focus on yourself and I promise, you will feel so good for doing it. Even sweaty, sore and exhausted, it a great feeling finishing each class. Body Buster has allowed me to re-focus myself and concentrate on my weight loss and fitness goals. I plan to be a Body Buster for many years to come! Thank you BBF team!
#fitnessbootcamp #torontobootcamp #bodybusterfitness #exercise #commitment #accountability

Friday, June 19, 2015

Congratulations, Maureen! You're the Body Buster Fitness Bootcamper of the May 2015 Program!


"I came to realize that a healthy fitness plan necessitated a change to my diet. That combined with my Body Buster Fitness classes, has helped me maintain my weight loss and also gain a healthier self-image."

Thank you to Body Buster Fitness for choosing me as Bootcamper of the program. I feel like I have very tough competition for this spot. 

I’ve been a Body Buster Fitness member for over 4 years. When I joined my weight was at an all time high and my self image was low. Group fitness classes work for me and knowing that my Body Buster family, which includes the instructors and my fellow bootcampers, are paying attention to me and my goals, as well as when I am absent from classes, helps motivate me to go to class even when I don’t feel like going. I know that I can’t do this on my own – I need Body Buster to help keep me active and motivated. Every class is different and every class is a challenge – even after four years. 

I’ve had a very positive experience with Body Buster fitness. From my first class I was made to feel welcome and part of the team. The instructors keep an eye on all of us to make sure we are not feeling overwhelmed and offer solutions and modifications if we are struggling or if we are finding it too easy. The first few classes were really tough as I hadn’t been active for a few years and getting back into it was difficult. I began to see results right away and it made me want to come back. Overall, I’ve lost over 20 pounds (I’ve lost the last 5 pounds several times!) and dropped two jeans sizes (hello skinny jeans!) 

More important than the external changes, I feel healthier and have more energy. Also, I came to realize that a healthy fitness plan necessitated a change to my diet. That combined with my Body Buster Fitness classes, has helped me maintain my weight loss and also gain a healthier self-image. Good health is an incredible gift and I’m doing everything I can to make sure that my family and I continue to enjoy good health. My family sees how important these classes are to me – it is part of our routine and I have their support to continue my fitness plan and keep working toward my goals. We are all active and more fit than before and I credit much of that to Body Buster Fitness. 

Thank you to Jamie who has always been helpful and accommodating of my requests. Also a huge thank you to all of my instructors, most notably Kara, Dani and Huy. They know when to push me and when to leave me alone and I appreciate all of it, even if sometimes it doesn’t look like I do. 

Thank you as well to my Body Buster Fitness colleagues who make every class fun. And the fact that we watch out for each other, cheer each other on, laugh together and commiserate helps very much. Melanie is my hero and I hope I can attend classes and run as fast as she can for many years to come. 

I highly recommend Body Buster Fitness to anyone of any fitness level. The classes are hard work but worth it. You’ll see changes in both your mind and body and you’ll have fun and make new friends. Make time for you and make time for fitness – you won’t regret it and you might love it! It is always so easy to find an excuse not to exercise. Make it part of your routine and your Body Buster instructors will help you with new challenges to allow you to meet your goals and then set new goals. 

I can do so much more than when I started. The first class, I couldn’t do a sit-up and ball pass seemed impossible. I’ll never enjoy burpees and I really wish Huy wouldn’t lie when he’s counting us down, but I do enjoy classes and I never thought I would admit to that. 

Thank you again, it is an honour to be recognized. Thanks to everyone for their ongoing support – I literally could not do it without you.

#fitnessbootcamp #torontobootcamp #bodybusterfitness #exercise #commitment #accountability

Friday, April 17, 2015

Congratulations, Stefanie! You're the Body Buster Fitness March-April 2015 Bootcamper of the Program!


"I have gained strength, speed and endurance from my Body Buster sessions which are noticeable in my other physical activities."

I started in 2012, stopped for a short time, but then came back.  

The classes are designed to continually challenge me.  They are designed to be multi-functional which is the most effective way to get results in the quickest time.  We get pushed to our maximum respective capacities – regardless of the fitness experiences of the individuals in the class.

I do not weigh myself and do not get measured.  I am not interested in stats – I see results, I wear the smallest size in clothes than I ever have and the numbers are not relevant to me. 

I had participated in other bootcamps before trying Body Buster.  At first, I switched as the location was more convenient but have chosen to continue with Body Buster as the trainers work me harder than I could ever work myself.  I don’t have a lot of free time and Body Buster maximizes my workouts.

I don’t feel like myself until I get a good Body Buster sweat on!  Body Buster is good for the brain and the body!  I was always disciplined with food & when I saw the results I was getting from my workouts, I took it a step further by fueling my body as I need to – nutrition and fitness go together.   

I have gained strength, speed and endurance from my Body Buster sessions which are noticeable in my other physical activities.  I came to Body Buster with fitness already being an integral part of my routine and I know they kicked it up many notches!  I incorporate Body Buster moves when I’m at home or away on vacation – Dani’s voice is always in my head – haha!

Without your health, everything falls apart.  Being healthy allows us to keep up in other aspects of life.  My son has always gone to the gym with me and has always participated in fitness – I want this to continue to be the “norm” for him rather than something “special”.

Body Buster works for all fitness levels – from beginner to conditioned.  There’s no judgement and the only competition is the one you have with *yourself*.  During partner work, I have been lucky enough to be in a group of energizing participants who urge you to keep going – there are no “haters” here.  All of the trainers are experts at correcting form, giving modifications and positive encouragement.
We’re all busy.  We can all find an hour a day to focus on our fitness as it is a top priority.  Again, it’s only 1 hour a day out of 24!  I have a husband/child/job and am lucky to have a supportive and active family who encourage me to take care of Body Buster business.  Body Buster is so flexible with their scheduling and make-up classes so there really is no excuse.
Body Buster has become an integral part of my schedule.  My motto for pushing myself is “do it now/think about it later” & the trainers know how to get me to reach that level.  Twice a week, I look forward to getting yelled at (haha) by Dani, Huy, Travis, Dan and Kara.  Their creative drills always electrify my muscles and push me to my personal maximum.  If they would only hold classes on weekends, I’d be there too! (hint, hint).  

#fitnessbootcamp #torontobootcamp #bodybusterfitness #exercise #commitment #accountability

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Congratulations, Karyn! You're the Body Buster Fitness Feb-March 2015 Bootcamper of the Program!


"Being physically active can be fun and rewarding and you will get more out of life by saying YES to a healthier you"

I have been a Body Buster Fitness member for over a year and a half. I registered in October 2013.

What I like most about the Body Buster Program is the variety that each class has to offer. In the past I have done workouts where I found that my body plateaued but with Body Buster Fitness every class is a challenge (in a good way!) I also love the Trainers Huy, Dan and Travis they are always coming up with new activities to make the classes different and FUN. They know everyone by name, correct you if you should be doing an exercise differently, encourage and challenge you because they know what you are capable of doing.

I do not know exact numbers in weight or inches that I have lost but one thing for sure is I have toned my body overall and maintained my ideal weight.

Initially I had signed up for one full year to Body Buster Fitness programs because I was getting married in a year. It was the perfect timeline for me to get in shape, after I got married I decided to continue with Body Buster because it had become part of my lifestyle. I love how I feel after a class, I love beating personal bests, setting new goals and I love giving something my all.

The Body Buster program has made me feel the fittest I have been in a long time. I have improved in my overall stamina when it comes to my strength, flexibility, speed and endurance. I have doubled my hand weights since I began the class. I started off at 4 lbs weight, even though the class recommendation was 5 lbs (because I did not think I could handle it) I now can comfortably lift 8 lbs. I feel happy and healthy and I have Body Buster to thank for it!

By being a Body Buster Member I have gained overall a healthier lifestyle. I know the importance of working out and eating well and the benefits associated with it. I have also gained confidence while doing the classes with other Body Buster...They see you at your worst at 6AM with bed head, no makeup and sweating like a pig but we all show up, cheer each other on and commit to being fit, at the end of the class you're on a natural high and feel like you can take on the world. 

I feel it is important to lead an active and healthy lifestyle because you can only truly be your best self when those areas are taken care of. When you are being active and strive for a healthier lifestyle all those other aspects just seem to fall into place. You improve your longevity, vitality and your zest for life.

The Body Buster Program is a great place to start if you want to feel and look better about yourself. You do not need prior experience when it comes to exercising the Program and the Trainers will guide you in the right direction to better health and wellness. 

My advice to those who use every excuse in the book NOT to exercise is you only have one life to live and one body to take care of. While you are doing everything but exercising consider the negative effects you are creating for your body not only short term but more importantly long term. Being physically active can be fun and rewarding and you will get more out of life by saying YES to a healthier you instead of NO.

I think back to my first class and having self-doubt in myself after the class was over. However that doubt was also my inspiration and motivation to continuing with the Body Buster program because I did not like having those feelings that I was not able or good enough to do a Bootcamp class and I want to thank the Body Buster Team for encouraging and guiding me every step of the way! 

Thank you for choosing me for “Body Buster Bootcamper of the Program” it is definitely is the cherry on top and has given me new motivation to continue on this journey. 

XO, Karyn 
#fitnessbootcamp #torontobootcamp #bodybusterfitness #exercise #commitment #accountability

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Bootcamper of the YEAR 2014! Congratulations Ed!

Congratulations Ed - Body Buster Fitness Bootcamper of the YEAR 2014!

Ed has been a Body Buster member since March 2013. In his years with Body Buster, he has been characterized by his instructors as self-motivated, dedicated and focused.

Ed's self-sufficient, self motivated nature has been an asset to his success in the Body Buster Program. He displays dedication to his health and well being by attending all of his classes and always making them up when needed. 

Described as "a trainer's dream," Ed brings his positive attitude to every class and simply works hard. Being the "partner you love to hate" is a compliment when it comes to Body Buster workouts! 

When Ed works with other members, he not only challenges himself but will push his partner to a higher level. With his level of focus and commitment to the program it's no surprise that he has been awarded this special recognition. 

Ed was also nominated the Bootcamper of the Program back in September 2013. This is an exceptional accomplishment because in the history of Body Buster Fitness, no member has ever been nominated twice, let alone for Bootcamper of the year! 

Ed, you represent the "Best of the Best" when it comes to Body Buster. Congratulations on being the 2014 Bootcamper of the YEAR! 

Watch Ed receiving this recognition, on Youtube!:

-The Body Buster Fitness® Team 
Fitness Training for everyone!
#Success - #Results - #Motivation!!! 

Monday, January 26, 2015

Congratulations to Dali, the January 2015 Body Buster Bootcamper of the Program!


"Health is the most important thing in our life. When you are healthy all the other issues can be dealt with one way or another.""

Thank you to Body Buster Fitness for choosing me as Bootcamper of the program. I feel like I have very tough competition for this spot. 

I’ve been a Body Buster Fitness member for over 4 years. When I joined my weight was at an all time high and my self image was low. Group fitness classes work for me and knowing that my Body Buster family, which includes the instructors and my fellow bootcampers, are paying attention to me and my goals, as well as when I am absent from classes, helps motivate me to go to class even when I don’t feel like going. I know that I can’t do this on my own – I need Body Buster to help keep me active and motivated. Every class is different and every class is a challenge – even after four years. 

I’ve had a very positive experience with Body Buster fitness. From my first class I was made to feel welcome and part of the team. The instructors keep an eye on all of us to make sure we are not feeling overwhelmed and offer solutions and modifications if we are struggling or if we are finding it too easy. The first few classes were really tough as I hadn’t been active for a few years and getting back into it was difficult. I began to see results right away and it made me want to come back. Overall, I’ve lost over 20 pounds (I’ve lost the last 5 pounds several times!) and dropped two jeans sizes (hello skinny jeans!) 

More important than the external changes, I feel healthier and have more energy. Also, I came to realize that a healthy fitness plan necessitated a change to my diet. That combined with my Body Buster Fitness classes, has helped me maintain my weight loss and also gain a healthier self-image. Good health is an incredible gift and I’m doing everything I can to make sure that my family and I continue to enjoy good health. My family sees how important these classes are to me – it is part of our routine and I have their support to continue my fitness plan and keep working toward my goals. We are all active and more fit than before and I credit much of that to Body Buster Fitness. 

Thank you to Jamie who has always been helpful and accommodating of my requests. Also a huge thank you to all of my instructors, most notably Kara, Dani and Huy. They know when to push me and when to leave me alone and I appreciate all of it, even if sometimes it doesn’t look like I do. 

Thank you as well to my Body Buster Fitness colleagues who make every class fun. And the fact that we watch out for each other, cheer each other on, laugh together and commiserate helps very much. Melanie is my hero and I hope I can attend classes and run as fast as she can for many years to come. 

I highly recommend Body Buster Fitness to anyone of any fitness level. The classes are hard work but worth it. You’ll see changes in both your mind and body and you’ll have fun and make new friends. Make time for you and make time for fitness – you won’t regret it and you might love it! It is always so easy to find an excuse not to exercise. Make it part of your routine and your Body Buster instructors will help you with new challenges to allow you to meet your goals and then set new goals. 

I can do so much more than when I started. The first class, I couldn’t do a sit-up and ball pass seemed impossible. I’ll never enjoy burpees and I really wish Huy wouldn’t lie when he’s counting us down, but I do enjoy classes and I never thought I would admit to that. 

Thank you again, it is an honour to be recognized. Thanks to everyone for their ongoing support – I literally could not do it without you.

#fitnessbootcamp #torontobootcamp #bodybusterfitness #exercise #commitment #accountability

Friday, January 23, 2015

You’re busy? Get in line!

You’re busy? Get in line!

The word “busy” has become an increasingly well used word in our day to day life….
But guess what? We are ALL busy!
 “I’ve been busy lately.”
“Sorry, I’m so busy with…”
“I’ve just been too busy to…”

You’re busy? Get in line!

Charity Fitness Boot Camp 2015

Charity Fitness Boot Camp 2015

This year once again, the Body Buster Bootcamps for Charity were a huge success! We would like to thank everyone who came out who not only donated to charity but also took part in an extremely tough workout! Body Buster Instructors donated their time and brought their usual high energy and motivation to provide a hardcore circuit style class including tons of equipment. We saw many new faces as well as long time members with theit friends and family.

Nutrition Challenge

Nutrition Challenge

Run For The Cure 2014 Toronto Surrey Vancouver

Run For The Cure 2014 Toronto Surrey Vancouver

On Sunday, October 6th Team Body Buster showed their support in creating a future without breast cancer, with over 45 Body Buster members attending the CIBC Run For The Cure in Toronto, Ontario and Surrey, BC! Together the teams raised money for breast cancer research and awareness. The weather was perfect in both areas as we showed up in our best pink gear and participated in the 5km/1km Run/walk. This event once again proved to be a truly empowering experience. The sense of accomplishment and camaraderie when you run past the finish line is incredible! Way to go #TeamBodyBuster and thank you for making it another success!

You Deserve a Healthy Life

You Deserve a Healthy Life

Break Down Your Barriers to Fitness Success

Break Down Your Barriers to Fitness Success

Whether you’re doing a hardcore Body Buster Bootcamp class or your running a marathon, a mental barrier can (and most likely will) be the difference between your success and failure. We’ve heard before that fitness is just as much, if not more, about mental toughness as it is physical.

Keeping Fit & Motivated Through An Injury

Keeping Fit & Motivated Through An Injury

When faced with an injury or illness, we often ask ourselves can “How do I stay motivated through an injury or obstacle? Is there a safe way to work out? Why should I even bother?”