Congratulations Ed - Body Buster Fitness Bootcamper of the YEAR 2014!
Ed has been a Body Buster member since March 2013. In his years with Body Buster, he has been characterized by his instructors as self-motivated, dedicated and focused.
Ed's self-sufficient, self motivated nature has been an asset to his success in the Body Buster Program. He displays dedication to his health and well being by attending all of his classes and always making them up when needed.
Described as "a trainer's dream," Ed brings his positive attitude to every class and simply works hard. Being the "partner you love to hate" is a compliment when it comes to Body Buster workouts!
When Ed works with other members, he not only challenges himself but will push his partner to a higher level. With his level of focus and commitment to the program it's no surprise that he has been awarded this special recognition.
Ed was also nominated the Bootcamper of the Program back in September 2013. This is an exceptional accomplishment because in the history of Body Buster Fitness, no member has ever been nominated twice, let alone for Bootcamper of the year!
Ed, you represent the "Best of the Best" when it comes to Body Buster. Congratulations on being the 2014 Bootcamper of the YEAR!
Watch Ed receiving this recognition, on Youtube!:
Watch Ed receiving this recognition, on Youtube!:
-The Body Buster Fitness® Team
Fitness Training for everyone!
#Success - #Results - #Motivation!!!