That’s right bootcampers! It’s a special time of year and we want to give back…Body Buster Style!
Body Buster Fitness will be holding FOUR BODY BUSTER CLASSES for Charity. These classes may be taken by donation (we are recommending a minimum donation of $10/per class), where all proceeds will go directly to a great charity: The Lakeshore Out of the Cold Program.
These Body Buster classes will take place on Dec 16th and 18th 2013.
Dec 16th – Franklin Horner Community Centre 6:00-7:00am
Dec 16th - Franklin Horner Community Centre 6:30-7:30pmDec 18th – High Park Morningside Church – 6:00-7:00am
Here’s how to sign up for the classes:
1. Email “” with subject :”Charity Bootcamp”. In the email include your name, which class(es) you would like to take (location and time). Also include what your donation amount will be and how you will be paying (cash or cheque).
2. Bring your cash or cheque donation to your instructor in anenvelope with your name on it and donation amount. Tax receipts are available for all donations $20 and more. Should you require a tax receipt please also indicate this on the envelope and in the email and add your full address. Please note – in order to receive a tax receipt, you will need to fill our your name and address on the class sign in sheet at the class as well.
3. Cheques may be made out to “The Lakeshore Out of the Cold Program”.
4. Feel free to invite friends and family to these classes by donation! Also, we appreciate you signing up ASAP so that we may prepare the awesome classes accordingly!
5. If you can NOT attend any of the Charity Bootcamp Classes & would like to still make a donation we would gratefully accept.
Here’s a little info on what this Charity is all about!
Out of the Cold (OOTC) is a volunteer-run initiative that meets the basic fundamental needs of homeless, marginalized and socially isolated people in Toronto. St. Margaret’s Anglican Church and the Lakeshore community provide this much-needed service, donating their time and financial support to offer food, shelter, comfort and hospitality to their guests. Every Monday evening those in need are welcomed at St. Margaret’s for a hot meal, social interaction, and can utilize the shower and laundry facilities. 100 guests are able to stay for dinner and then a movie, with sleeping facilities for 30 (men only). Breakfast and a bagged lunch is then provided for the 30 the following morning.
Body Buster members have a team that have helped out the Lakeshore Out of the Cold Program for a number of years, either preparing and serving the dinner, or preparing and serving the breakfast and bag lunches. This year, the Body Buster team has signed up to prepare two dinners, five breakfasts, and as well will prepare and service breakfast on Christmas morning, as it falls on a Tuesday. For the Christmas breakfast, Team Body Buster is also hoping to provide the guests with a gift stocking containing items like a Tim Hortons gift card, warm socks, etc.
We look forward to seeing you out to the Body Buster Bootcamps for Charity!
Please email should you have questions.
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