Friday, January 15, 2010

Two Weeks into 2010 - How is your Resolution Coming Along?

It's January 15th - just over two weeks into 2010!

Did you set a goal this year to get in shape, get healthy, get fit?
Have you gotten started on making your resolution a reality? If you have, congratulations and good for you! :) If not, that's ok! The post-holiday weeks can be busy, stressful and cluttered as you head back to work, school, clean up and try to relax from a busy Holiday season, etc. But don't lose focus on what is really important to you behind the scenes of your day-to-day life!

Your health is of utmost importance. Without it, how will you cope with stress in the future, how will you continue to be the strong support your family and friends need and love? How will you continue to feel good about yourself, maintain good eating and sleeping habits, confidence and energy? It's not too late at all to take the first step to complete your 2010 resolution to get fit! It's not just about "looking good and losing weight". One of the BEST benefits of getting into a fitness routine, no matter how rigorous, is the way you feel inside during and after a workout. Even knowing you're part of a fitness regime can boost your energy levels and your sense of accomplishment. Plus, having a scheduled boot camp class each week means you have guaranteed "you time" and something to look forward to, especially in these dreary winter months! :) Bootcamp classes are all about pushing you to your own personal limits while keeping you literally smiling and feeling positive while you work your entire body!

Body Buster Bootcamp has 4 week bootcamp programs running all year with many class locations and start times that can work easily into your schedule! Visit to register for the next program now. Here's your push and reminder from us to put yourself first this year! Invest in your health. You will be glad you did!

Congratulations on setting the goal in the first place - that's hard to do too!

For more information about Body Buster Fitness, please visit or call us at 416-619-4456!

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