Monday, September 20, 2010

Body Buster at Franklin Horner Community Centre's 6th Annual Family Fun Fair Extravaganza

Body Buster was invited again to take part in the Franklin Horner Community Centre's 6th Annual Family Fun Fair Extravaganza!

We had great weather, and a great time! Surrounded by fun, games and entertainment (bouncy castles, fresh grilled corn on the cob, Johnny Toronto on a unicycle and juggling fire, an Elvis impersonator, just to name a few!), the Body Buster Team enjoyed the day in the sun, meeting with tons of great people.

Body Buster's Booth at the Extravaganza
Team Body Buster with Toronto City Councillor, Mark Grimes
Kara and Michelle just LOVE Johnny Toronto!

Thanks again for having us! Until next year!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Bootcamper of the Program for August - Congrats Mary!

We would like to give a big congrats to Mary at the EC location! Mary has been working hard at bootcamp for the past 2 years and her results have been amazing! In the past few programs, Mary has really "amped it up" with even more positive energy, more drive, motivation and hard work. Mary is a pleasure to have in class and is always encouraging her fellow bootcampers and cracking jokes!
We are very proud of Mary! She is a great example of a true "Bootcamper"!


I have been a boot camper for over two years.  What I like the most is the diversity of each class and, especially the outdoor classes.  Never a boring moment. 

To date I have lost about eight inches all around.  And I have found that my strength, flexibility and endurance have improved considerably throughout the program.  I have more energy (except immediately following class), and find that I push myself a bit more with each exercise. 
My Body Buster class is a mix of young, old, men and women.  We encourage each other and it's very motivating when I can do just as much or more than those much younger then me! 

Healthwise, I have seen a decrease in BMI and improvement in cholesterol levels - that's what burpees do for us.  And lower back pain has lessened!

I am glad now that I was convinced to join a class because I now look forward to coming to Boot Camp....even ball night.  Thank you, Kara and Dani!  And I signed up for another year of Body Buster.

Body Buster would like to congratulate
Mary on her accomplishments! Way to GO!